All the equipment provided within the Playbarn has been manufactured, supplied and installed by a play industry specialist. We conduct daily inspections of the premises and play equipment prior to opening for business each day and take any necessary remedial action immediately. A safety inspection of the premises and equipment has been carried out and annual safety inspections are carried out by a play industry specialist to ensure that we maintain a safe play area for use by young visitors.
Rules of Play
For your safety we have the following Rules of Play which must be observed at all times: Please ensure that all adults in your group are aware of the Rules of Play
We do not provide or accept responsibility for the supervision of children on the premises
Children must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times
Children must not be left unaccompanied on the premises
Parents & Guardians are responsible for the behaviour of children in their care
Parents & Guardians are responsible for assessing the suitability of the equipment provided for children in their care and the ability of those children to use it
Only children up to 10 years of age or 145cm height (whichever comes first) are permitted to play on the equipment
Other than the toddler area, the play area is not suitable for children under 3 years of age
The toddler area is for children up to 3 years of age only
Adults are not permitted to play on the equipment
Adults are permitted onto the play equipment for the sole purpose of accompanying children in their care only
Ensure the person in front has cleared the bottom of the slide before descending
When descending the slide(s) do so in a sitting position with arms crossed
Do not stand, climb, walk or run or stop midway down on the slides
Do not play in front of or at the bottom of the slides
We recommend that children wear long sleeves and trousers to avoid friction burns
Do not climb on the netting or the play frame
Balls must not be removed from the play areas
Balls or other objects must not be thrown
Shoes must be removed before using the play equipment
Socks must be worn at all times
Clothing with ropes cords and toggles must not be worn in the play area
All jewellery (including ear studs) / watches, keys, keychains, coins and sharp objects including badges or the like to be removed before entering the play area
Clothing should not have any hard or sharp points (buckles, studs, toggles or the alike)
Remove all items from your pockets
No phones or cameras on the play equipment
No toys to be taken in the play areas
No food, drink or chewing gum is allowed on any of the play equipment
Do not use the play equipment if wearing any form of plaster cast
Any damage to play equipment must be reported to a member of staff whether deliberate or accidental
Report immediately any accident or injury to a member of staff to be recorded in our accident book
Children who are unwell should not use the play equipment
No running
No wrestling, tackling or shoving
Parents/guardians must always accompany children to the toilets Shoes must be worn when visiting the toilets.